whatever it is, i can bet my old sweat socks that it cant be better than this right here.
it's called NINJA JOE!
a collab between the mystical black suit master assassins with pork burgers. and with a selling point like 'Everybody loves ninjas!', i can only foresee greatness in this awesome concept
i was in Tropicana City the other day(off the LDP highway), when what i saw, brought tears to my eyes. tears of admiration, adoration and total zomgwtfbbqpork
my thoughts of this in sequence were:
holy crap NINJAS!
good lord, PORK burgers!!!@#^!(*&@#^*&%
like moths to the flame, i couldn't help myself. i lost total control
when i finally regained consciousness i had a solo ninja (solo ninja is what they named their pork burger, cool right?) in my hands.
i stared at it. it stared back at me. O_O
chomp chomp chomp*
wth. finish already. not exaggerating. 3 mouthfuls and it's gone.
was it worth the 6 ringgit i paid for? no not reallly.
do i regret buying it? hell no
my verdict on it is that it has a brilliant concept of targeting those who have a weak spot for ninjas and everything porkishness. it's rather small but it taste pretty okay. the patty was moist and it comes in 6 different flavors(those which i can rmb are original, spicy, sweet and sour, teriyaki, black pepper, i think) if i'm not mistaken. there's bound to be one which will suit your fancy. my advice is to go as a group if you wanna try this out, cause the burgers are cheaper if you buy it in 2s, 4s or sixes. listing only the prices for 2s and sixes cause i cant rmb the rest.
solo ninja-> RM6
6 ninja-> RM 24
besides their pork burgers, they sell shurikens, (you know, those star shaped looking projectiles of death) which is also made of pork, and side orders of fries.
the easiest way of explaining Ninja Joe would be, a jap-culture-themed fast food restaurant only selling pork and spuds.
btw if you're name is joe you get 1 ringgit off your purchase. how epic is that.
My verdict
5 Awesome Possums for the Concept
3.5123 Awesome Possums for the Food
4.7 Awesome Possum for the feel, atmosphere and friendliness of the staff
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