Saturday, November 28, 2009

Guy marries game character

"The world is coming to an end'.

This was one of the few comments i've heard from people's youtube response to the wedding that took place between a man and a virtual game character. The marriage that took place between Sal9000(the happy jap dude) and Nene Anegasaki(virtual girl from a Nintendo DS game Love Plus) was joined by over 3000 witnesses watching it live over the net. I'm sure some, if not the majority of you, have heard about this.

Some people have mentioned that there is no wrong in loving a game character. I support that statement to a certain extent, but come on. Marrying a game character? That's a bit over the top for me. Posters in your room, desktop wallpapers, that's cool. Maybe the occasional blabbering to your friends about how much you are so love him/her. Still on the lines of acceptable. Marrying her. Erm, creepy much? 

Give or take another 100 years perhaps, i think there'll be more and more human-ai weddings taking place. We've seen many references to this possibility in movies and novels, one being Bicentennial Man, starring Robin Williams. Who knows, that might be how the future turns out to be. =)    


So all you otaku dudes(Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games.) out there, at least wait till they're physically there before you pop the question. There is hope for the future =)

here are some pics i flicked off the web. 

Honestly one of the better looking virtual characters.

The happy newly weds.
this is the link to a video special on the wedding. Thanks to for the vid and youtube for the feed.  

Well, i wish the happy couple a long and fruitful life. xD
Just one thing i've been wondering, when someone else plays this game, is your wife cheating on you? haha =)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

O_O Editors note

sorry for the seriousness in the previous post about magic. it was suppose to be a post about how amazing Cyril Takayama is. i wanted an epic starting, but i ended up following through the entire post in the same tone. turned out to be too hardcore for normal blog reading material. thanks for bearing with me. xD   


hope you'll stay tuned till then.
bye ppl.

An introduction to the alluring world of magic.


The art that purports to control or forecast natural events, effects, or forces by invoking the supernatural.

Throughout the course of time, human perception of magic and those who practice it has changed significantly. The first form of magic, as i would believe it, belonged to those who had powers of healing, elders, ritualists and medicine men, those who used them to cure ailments and sicknesses. These were the men who sang chants and blessed warrior for the oncoming battle. This small community of men who knew their ways with herbs and the art of rejuvenation, were revered and respected and sat near the head of a tribe's hierarchy. At first, they were sought out as healers. But soon, their influence grew to more than just bandages and potions, people started seeking them for advice, whether it be economical or political. They grew to become, the spearhead of a village. 

The institution of man changed with the arrival of religion. Nations began to form, but not let by the previous elders and healers, but men of god. Concordantly with the rise of religion, ironically, science grew as well. Though, much of it's ideology in current days are contradictory, at that period of time, the pursuit of science was backed up by religion, as science was knowledge, and knowledge was gold. Soon, practitioners of the old arts of healing became ostracized, rejected by society, for their use of unexplainable methods healing with chanting and spirit channeling. If science could not explain what they did and how they did it, it must be the work of the devil. So, a sad end came to those which were once so very much exalted in society. They were labeled as witches, witchdoctors, their art, tagged as voodoo and black magic. Only one end would come of this, they were all rallied and burned at the stakes, with no proper trail.
"People fear what they do not know".

Speed forward a few hundred years to March 24, 1874, to the birth of one of the world's most known magician/illusionist/escape artist, the great, the mystical, the magical, the bedazzling, jaw dropping, the most wow inducing magician(debatable) who walked this earth, Harry Houdini. Yet again, as the earlier portion of my post suggests, the perception of society towards magic changes throughout time. Now, the idea of a magician was not of one who could  heal your sickness, or read ancient manuals of blessings. Nay, they are now the entertainers of people, as much as opera and orchestra, they grew into a part of society. It became a weekly event which gathered the masses into one large auditorium, to witness before their eyes, the impossible made possible. Production, Vanishing, Transformation, Restoration, Teleportation, Escapology, Levitation, Penetration, Prediction. With this newly created niche in society, magicians were now able to find a way to earn a living of their craft. There was no fear of imprisonment or punishment for practicing it. It no longer came to be a taboo. And that was when, the stature of magicians were yet again reclaimed. 

Please leave your feedback, if you liked it, if you hated it, if you felt like gorging your eyes out =)
I accept all comments with open arms.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

when our brothers in the east discovers the secret to fastfood

what happens when you join spongebob and harry potter.. the heck i know.
whatever it is, i can bet my old sweat socks that it cant be better than this right here.

it's called NINJA JOE!
a collab between the mystical black suit master assassins with pork burgers. and with a selling point like 'Everybody loves ninjas!', i can only foresee greatness in this awesome concept

i was in Tropicana City the other day(off the LDP highway), when what i saw, brought tears to my eyes. tears of admiration, adoration and total zomgwtfbbqpork
my thoughts of this in sequence were:
holy crap NINJAS!
good lord, PORK burgers!!!@#^!(*&@#^*&%

like moths to the flame, i couldn't help myself. i lost total control
when i finally regained consciousness i had a solo ninja (solo ninja is what they named their pork burger, cool right?) in my hands.
i stared at it. it stared back at me. O_O

chomp chomp chomp*
wth. finish already. not exaggerating. 3 mouthfuls and it's gone.
was it worth the 6 ringgit i paid for? no not reallly.
do i regret buying it? hell no

my verdict on it is that it has a brilliant concept of targeting those who have a weak spot for ninjas and everything porkishness. it's rather small but it taste pretty okay. the patty was moist and it comes in 6 different flavors(those which i can rmb are original, spicy, sweet and sour, teriyaki, black pepper, i think) if i'm not mistaken. there's bound to be one which will suit your fancy. my advice is to go as a group if you wanna try this out, cause the burgers are cheaper if you buy it in 2s, 4s or sixes. listing only the prices for 2s and sixes cause i cant rmb the rest.
solo ninja-> RM6
6 ninja-> RM 24
besides their pork burgers, they sell shurikens, (you know, those star shaped looking projectiles of death) which is also made of pork, and side orders of fries.
the easiest way of explaining Ninja Joe would be, a jap-culture-themed fast food restaurant only selling pork and spuds.

btw if you're name is joe you get 1 ringgit off your purchase. how epic is that.

My verdict
5 Awesome Possums for the Concept
3.5123 Awesome Possums for the Food
4.7 Awesome Possum for the feel, atmosphere and friendliness of the staff

First post. The beginning

hello you. yes you. one of the possibly 4 only readers of this blog(one of which is probably my mom)

this is the official opening, of my space(not myspace- notice the absence of the spacebar between the words) where i shall rant, share my amazement at awesome possum news or just post a random pic of cats maiming tooth fairies. you'll never know what you'll find here. one minute it's a food blog next it's a shrine to idolize the shadow assassins of the night.
with a epic blog title/name/address like 'the trash chute', this can only end badly. xD

have any of you guys who blog felt how weird this is, typing to yourself. hmmm i hope like atleast 10 ppl read this. then it wont be an utter waste of time haha.

so that is it i guess. in 2 mins i'll post the most awesome concept anyone has ever seen!!! shit. i have to upload pics then. this is hard work. tell your frens about me.
if we (i say we as this is a conjoint effort between you, the readers, and me, the nut) 1 million views, i shall shave my head bald o_O

The first ever TrashChute contest is open now. send in your most creative essay about how cool ninjas ar. winner shall be acknowledged in my blog.
O_O what? were you expecting something more? hey man, i dont earn shit from this haha.

omg i just went through the preview of this post, and i found out i'm damn lame. dont read this shit. it's more beneficial to you to scratch your butt than read this crap. you get more satisfaction from that. woots.
how aptly named the title The Trash Chute.

enough of that. thanks to all who actually managed to stay awake to the end of this post. you guys seriously should find better things to do. but my appreciation is sent out to all of you.

=) god bless

Disclaimer: The author of this blog is not held responsible for any readers who suffer from permanent brain damage, random spasms, wet pants, or severe fondness of yewweng during the course of this blog readingness.